Comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools developed to combat the ever-evolving landscape of unknown malware threats.
Investigate methods to adapt Sangraha360's AI models for effective malware detection specifically on the Android platform. This includes optimizing the models for resource-constrained environments such as mobile devices while maintaining high accuracy
Develop techniques to perform dynamic analysis of Android applications in real-time, leveraging AI to detect and classify unknown malware strains. This involves monitoring application behavior for anomalous activities and identifying potential threats
Study methods to optimize the performance of Sangraha360's AI-powered malware detection on Android devices. This involves minimizing resource usage, such as CPU and memory, to ensure minimal impact on device performance and battery life
Investigate ways to ensure user privacy and data protection while performing AI-powered malware detection on Android devices. This includes implementing privacy-preserving techniques and adhering to data protection regulations to safeguard user information
Research methods for continuous learning and adaptation of AI models on Android devices to combat evolving malware threats. This includes updating models with new threat intelligence and adjusting detection strategies based on emerging trends
Develop comprehensive evaluation metrics and benchmarks to assess the and performance of Sangraha360's AI-powered malware detection on the Android platform. This includes conducting rigorous testing against diverse malware datasets and real-world scenarios
Sangraha360 tackles the evolving threats of cybersecurity through innovative solutions that address the complexities of this multi-disciplinary field.